Swiftflow pipeline tutorials
Swiftflow pipeline tutorials
Swiftflow pipeline tutorials

Interested to build a real-time data pipeline for transactions like SWIFT MT ? On a production-ready, scalable, analytics platform ?
Check our tutorials using Python and Google Cloud (GCP) !
And get your use cases implemented in a flash…
Part 1 :
Pub/Sub → Dataflow/Swiftflow → BigQuery (JSON)
Link: Switflow pipeline / Part 1 – Dataflow to BigQuery (nested format)
Part 2 :
Pub/Sub → Dataflow/Swiftflow → BigQuery (SQL)
Link: Switflow pipeline / Part 2 – Dataflow to BigQuery (tabular format)
Language :
Python with Apache Beam SDK (open source)
Link: Beam overview
Note :
Swiftflow can be provisioned from the GCP marketplace
Link: Swiftflow – Order it
Do you want to talk about use cases ?
Enjoy !